A song for our ancestors

This march (2023) I quested in Wales, the renew and strengthen my connection to the ancestors of this land. To ask for help for guidance and support to generate things that will support the thriving of life to come for all our relatives now and for the ones yet to come. It was a rich experience and taught me a great deal about the nature of ancestral connection, what that realm and space is all about and how we are always in relationship with it. Specifically, how we communicate and are communicated with through our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits. This simple song came in and I would like to share it here with great love.

To the tune of Morning has broken

How do you sing to me?

You sing through my body

I just need ears that

lie in my heart

I know you are with me

Ever wrapped round me

Now I can see you

That route you have carved

Pray to the morning

Pray to the evening

Pray to the birdsong

That’s always been here

Ancestors flourish

In every sweet moment

This earth they can nourish

through our softened hearts.

Sing with me always

I know you won’t leave me

The path is in my heart

And senses aware

Aware that my breathing

isn t just my life

But it is our song

Journeying on.

jill kettle